Yesterday I met up with Jocelyn Major, Greg Forrest, Freya Sanders, Helena Blair, Rose Reade and Isobel Leidler to do a photo shoot for The Turn of the Screw which plays at the ADC Theatre 13-16 May. Our plan was to go to the cemetery on Histon Road around sunset, to take some eery photos there, then to quickly edit those and then go to the ADC Theatre to project them onto the cast.

After the cemetery I “quickly” edited the photos, before heading back to the ADC for the second part of the photo shoot.

It was a fun photo shoot. For several of the later projection photos we had placed a snooted flash behind Helena, which backlit her hair, making the silhouette stand out more. I am really happy with how the photos turned out. Many thanks to the cast and crew!
The final poster designed by Hannah Taylor:
More projection photos can be found here. Tickets to the play are available from the ADC webpage. There is also an interview with Greg and Jocelyn in The Cambridge Student.
– Johannes
Governess – Helena Blair
Miles – Isobel Laidler
Flora – Rose Reade
Mrs Grose – Natalie Reeve
Uncle – Seth
Production Team
Writer/Director – Jocelyn Major, Greg Forrest
Producer – Freya Sanders, Adam Rushton
Deputy Stage Manager – Jennifer Green
Costume Designer – Christina Maurice
Production Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
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