Yesterday evening the ADC Evolution tech rehearsal took place. I have been following the progress of the show, and it is coming together nicely. If you have missed the two previous blog posts, then here are the links to the first rehearsal at Homerton College, and the second rehearsal at the ADC. This time we had a proper stage with backdrop and the lighting was more tailored to the show. There are still some dark zones here and there, but I do not mind as they let you get a bit creative with the composition. As before I was shooting with my 50 mm lens, and this time I shot from the front of the stage. As you will see I really liked the reflections, and I preferred a low angle close to the stage floor to get as much of that visual goodness as possible.

A sample from the tech rehearsal. I might add a bit more text later, and perhaps a photo or so. In the meantime, go book your own tickets for the Evolution dance show and see it live!
Here are the Links to the blog posts about the first rehearsal (lots of photos) and the second rehearsal with a few additional photos. The Cambridge Student review gave the show 8/10.
Update: You can find all blog posts on this page.
– Johannes
Dancer – Ajoeb Baridi, Molly Frederikse, Eugene Chua, Gabrielle Koupparis, Lucrezia Baldo, Leora Taratula-Lyons, Yung Wui Chang, Tilda Mallinson, Megan Henson, Elena Natale, Evie Howard, Caroline Hopper, Joanna Lobl, Eleanor Mack, Mariel Pettee, Hannah Templeman, Jasmine Walter, Naomi Stewart, Chloe Slattery, Connie Muttock, Katie Ducie, Caroline Hopper, Isabelle Barber, Alys Williams, Emily Davey, Hao Feng, Luciana Boon, Madeleine Wong, Leyla Tureli. Anastasia Castiglione, Vidya Math, Daniel Rasbash, Nora Heinzelmann, Janet Scott, Cecilia Martinez, Shrividya Ravi, Mahima Chandrasekhar, Divya Ramkumar, Architha Srinivasan, Tania Clarke
Production Team
Assistant Producer – Kennedy Bloomer
Publicity Designer – Hannah Taylor
Lighting Designer – Hope Chen
Technical Director – Andrew Featherstone
Sound Designer – Alex Rakowski
Choreographer – Isabelle Barber, Alys Williams, Emily Davey, Hao Feng, Luciana Boon, Madeleine Wong, Leyla Tureli. Anastasia Castiglione, Vidya Math, Daniel Rasbash, Nora Heinzelmann, Janet Scott, Cecilia Martinez, Shrividya Ravi, Mahima Chandrasekhar, Divya Ramkumar, Architha Srinivasan, Tania Clarke
Producer – Tania Clarke
Assistant Lighting Designer – Natalie Moreton
Production Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
Trailer Cinematographer – Nick Jones
Production Photographer – Duncan Grisby
Stage Manager – Emily Larcombe
Programme Designer – Rob Eager
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