Some days there is so much to do that you wish you could clone yourself. We might not quite be able to do that yet, besides if we did manage that we’d have the problem…
Author: Johannes
I am watching the Eurovision Song Contest on SVT play. The winner has already been announced, but I was busy photoshopping when the programme first broadcast so it is replay time for me. The songs are…
When photographing in low light conditions you are forced to make compromises. You can either increase the shutter time, use a larger aperture or increase the ISO. The third option does not affect the sharpness…
The name Cambridge carries with it a sense of wonder and magic. There is so much history tied to this place, which creates a certain atmosphere, and is also reflected in the old architecture. Some would even…
Yesterday we had the third Postdoc Photo Workshop. This time JF and I got help from Meryem Ralser to organise the workshop. The previous two times we have done portrait photography in one form or another,…
This weekend I went to the Peak District together with a few other people from my department over the day. It was a spontaneous thing planned en route. We ended up alternating between chasing around the…
I used to look through all my digital photos once a year and print the best ones, and put them in a photo album. I took the photos pretty much straight out of the camera without doing any post…
This past weekend Jean-François organised an officially un-official postdoc hike to Durdle Door. We had originally planned on going in February, but had to postpone due to the big storm that hit the region that…
With a camera you can easily make a ten-minute walk last two hours. Those who have taken shortcuts with me and my camera before know that they have a tendency to become major detours. This time we…