Category: Dance

February 3, 2015 / / Cambridge

I went out to photograph the snow this past weekend, but did not manage to get anything. The snow turned into rain as I reached the city centre. Tonight it started snowing again, and my…

January 29, 2015 / / Cambridge

Joanna Vymeris and I had been planning to do a morning photo shoot with snow for a few weeks now, but it kept getting delayed. BBC promised snow a few times, but when the day came…

January 25, 2015 / / Cambridge

Yesterday was the last day of Evolution, which has been running this past week at the ADC Theatre. Tania Nicole asked if I wanted to come and photograph again, this time from behind the scenes. At…

January 20, 2015 / / Cambridge

Yesterday evening the ADC Evolution tech rehearsal took place. I have been following the progress of the show, and it is coming together nicely. If you have missed the two previous blog posts, then here…

January 19, 2015 / / Cambridge

The Cambridge University Ballet Club is setting up Coppelia in February (2015). I met up with them yesterday at Queens’ College for a promotion photo shoot. The old college court looks amazing and made for a…

January 18, 2015 / / Cambridge

Yesterday Evolution had another rehearsal, this time at the ADC Theatre. The tech rehearsal is not until tomorrow, so the stage and lighting were not set up yet, but you could still get good shots if you…

January 11, 2015 / / Cambridge

Yesterday I photographed the rehearsal of the ADC dance show Evolution. The show is produced by Tania Clarke, and showcases many of Cambridge’s dance talents. The Homerton dance studio is about as far away as…

November 23, 2014 / / Cambridge

Today I met up with Joanna Vymeris for another round of street and dance photography. We had talked about doing some shots in the rain, so I had packed a rain cover for the camera and some…

October 12, 2014 / / Cambridge

It was a while since I did a ballet shoot, so yesterday I met up with Naomi Stewart, Philippa Carr and Leora Amy Taratula-Lyons from the committee of the Cambridge University Ballet Society. We were photographing at…

June 28, 2014 / / Cambridge

The term has ended and the students are leaving Cambridge for the summer. After the last Street Ballet session Joanna Vymeris and I decided to do one more photo shoot before she went on holiday. This…