Category: Music

Photos from concerts and other music related events.

December 19, 2024 / / Dance

Denna veckan framför Balettakademiens treor “Through Their Eyes”. Det är ett musikal-projekt som utforskar det abstrakta. Genom brev möter vi rädslor, viljor, tvivel, framtidstro och kärlek. Numrena ackompanjeras av kända låtar ur musikalvärlden som sammanflätade tematiken…

July 6, 2017 / / Cambridge

Jade Cuttle and I headed out to West Cambridge to do a photoshoot in my old neighbourhood for her new song ‘Leaves and Lovers’. The song considers heart break through the prism of trees, comparing…

July 6, 2017 / / Cambridge

Holly Musgrave is a singer-songwriter based in London. Her second album, ‘Jouster’, is due to be released in late November 2017. It focuses on the darkness and secrecy of hidden thoughts and internal, imagined conversations.…

March 18, 2017 / / Cambridge

There are many hidden places in Cambridge, Hobson’s Folly is one of them located right by the river Cam a short distance from the centre. We went there for a fairy tale inspired photoshoot early one…

December 18, 2016 / / Music

At beginning of November I did a photoshoot with singer Lisa Ajax who won Swedish Idol in 2014. We had originally planned to do our entire photoshoot outdoors, but the weather turned a bit grim so we had…

November 17, 2016 / / Cambridge

Jade Cuttle is a talented song writer and poet currently studying at Cambridge University. Jade wanted to do something submerged in water, and since the Cam was too cold, we decided to do it indoors.…

November 5, 2016 / / Cambridge

Johannes Kepler’s aged mother Katharina might well have remained entirely in the shadows had she not, in the summer of 1615, been accused by a neighbour of being a witch. The case dragged on for…

June 19, 2016 / / Cambridge

I hope you had a chance to see Gianni Schicchi when it was performed at the Union Society earlier today, well technically yesterday. It was a great performance, with wonderful music and song. I was…

June 18, 2016 / / Cambridge

I met up with the cast of The Snow Child during one of their rehearsals in Trinity College Chapel. They are going to the Edinburgh Fringe in August to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.…

May 5, 2016 / / Cambridge

On Monday evening A Little Night Music had a rehearsal at St John’s College, and I joined them with my camera to take a few photos. The first act started out quite seriously, with everyone…