Category: Stockholm

April 24, 2022 / / Dance

Today Martina Torti from the Royal Swedish Ballet came out to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot. Spring is here, but it is still a bit cold outside, so we decided to photograph in the Green…

April 17, 2022 / / Dance

Maria Avatare and Samuel Hillby joined me for a second photoshoot in Näsbypark. This time the theme was paper, and Maria had brought a big stack of newspapers that her father had collected. We started…

April 16, 2022 / / Dance

The idea for this photoshoot started taking form already back in January. I had seen a few interesting photos by different photographers where they were using some frosted glass to create an interesting feel in…

April 12, 2022 / / Dance

This past Sunday Aethyu Ea from Balettakademien and her friend Lammi Boonaa came to Näsbypark for a photoshoot. We moved the kitchen table, and used the white wall in the kitchen as a backdrop, the…

April 7, 2022 / / Dance

After an initial burst of warm weather, the cold weather has returned. This past Sunday morning Nichole Olguin Jönsson came to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot to try and bring some of that spring feeling…

April 5, 2022 / / Dance

We had a beautiful morning in Stockholm this past Saturday, I had arrived a bit early and wandered around in Gamla stan and came upon a really great little spot which I had forgotten about,…

March 30, 2022 / / Dance

This past Sunday, just as we switched to summer time here in Sweden, Jade Ribaud and I did a morning dance photoshoot in Gamla stan. This was our second photoshoot together, for the curious here…

March 28, 2022 / / Dance

This past Saturday I did a photoshoot with Alicia Gérardin, Anaïs Nastassja Höchtl, Lorena Rodriguez Fernandez and Kristelle Teeväli from the Royal Swedish Ballet School. Alicia and Anaïs are modern dancers, while Loren and Kristelle…

March 22, 2022 / / Dance

This Sunday Emilia Fridholm and I did a photoshoot in Näsbypark. We have been photographing together since 2018, and it is fun to see how our work develops over the years. Our photo-sessions are both…

March 6, 2022 / / Dance

Today Eléa Bigot from the Royal Swedish Ballet and I met up for a morning photoshoot. A couple of days earlier I had scouted this beautiful location along the water, so we decided to head…