The Crucible written by Arthur Miller, and directed by Michael Tigchelaar and Rebecca Vaa, is playing this week in Fitzwilliam College Auditorium. I got the chance to meet up with the cast and crew at 6 pm,…
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This week the Cambridge University Ballet Society is performing Coppelia at the Mumford Theatre in Cambridge. Back in January I did a photo shoot with the Coppelia cast for the poster and profile photos (blog…
Here are photos from the dress rehearsal for ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore. Lots of blood and sex, and they also have a pig’s heart to top it off. The play is directed by Laura…
This past Saturday Cambridge and Oxford played here at the Cambridge University Sports Centre, which is just around the corner from where I live. It was a tough game, and despite playing a strong third…
Yesterday I did a photo shoot with Sam Grabiner and Luke Sumner for the play Amygdala Wonderland. It is a one-man show written by Sam, starring Luke, that has been running this past week at…
We did a morning photo shoot for Rent at the end of January. While the cast got dressed Josie Wastell, Sam Payne, Victoria Bellamy and I were in the theatre rigging the lights. Or rather Sam…
“Oh how exciting! This’ll be something to tell the grandkids!” The Unprofessionals is a comedy play written and directed by Henry Wilkinson. It plays this week, in the late evening slot at the ADC Theatre.…