Yesterday Natalie Petrov and Nora Ullert joined me for a dance photoshoot at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. For those that do not know the motto of the university is “Science and Art”, very…
Category: Stockholm
Tilda Kristiansson and I did a photoshoot at the Royal Institute of Technology today. There are some really nice windows there which are great for photographing. Turns out the post-Christmas exam period was still running,…
A little snow is no show stopper when you live in Stockholm. In fact we actually postponed the photoshoot a week, in hopes of getting more snow. Today I met up with Viktoria Larsson and…
In Sweden we have a tradition with student spex, theatre with slapstick comedy where the audience participates by shouting “omstart” (restart), “på tyska” (in German), “blodigare” (bloodier), “skyldigare” (more guilty) and other helpful cues, asking…
This past Friday Tilda Kristiansson and I went to Tranebergsbron (The Traneberg Bridge) in Stockholm for a photo session. The first version of this bridge was envisioned by Gustav III, and created in 1787, to…
This past Thursday I did a photoshoot with Anna Rothman in and around Hagaparken and Bellevuparken here in Stockholm. We had great luck with the weather, the sun was shining and the sky was blue…